

A young fishpen boy develops sexual awakening over a new woman of his boss



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Film Info:

BAKLAD directed by Topel Lee

Main Cast: Ronwaldo Martin, Elora Españo, Hector Macaso, Jesus Allan Forte, Rafa Siguion Reyna

Genre: Drama

Running Time: 1 Hour and 44 minutes

Rating:  16+


FISHPEN (BAKLAD) BOYS are like the dogs that guard the fishpens in the middle of the lake. Once you take them out of the fishpen and take them to the shore and you take them back to the fishpen, they would rather go back to the shore than live in the fishpen again. This is the coming of age story of a fishpen boy who dreamt big once he got a sexual awakening from the new woman of their boss in the fishpen. He dreamt big and started to find ways to elope with the woman. But his dreams will only produce devastating results not only for him but for the others around him also. This is the story of one of the most neglected people in the workforce of the Philippine society — the fishpen boys. They give us the fish we eat everyday but we never know that like the fishes, they are also drowning in sorrow and wish to come out of the nets to freedom.



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