KAMUNGGAI directed by Vic Acedillo Jr.
Main Cast: Kent Raymond Basa, Roger “SOE” Gonzales, Ma. Theresa “DULCE” Cruzata, Skyzx Labastilla
Bayang Barrios, Luis Banaag III, Elizabeth Abcede
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 1 Hour and 34 minutes
Rating: 13+
Living alone in his little shack in a rural Visayan town, Lolo Peping lovingly tends to a simple vegetable patch. It provides daily sustenance and a meager livelihood to the aging government retiree. However, some opportunistic villagers regularly help themselves to the fruits of the old man’s labors. This chronic parasitism foments mutual disdain between Peping and his neighbors. One day, another intrusion into Peping’s garden trigger a series of events that would turn his life around.
Best Actor, Roger “Soe “ Gonzales, 2017 Tofarm Film Festival