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Film Info:

Sinandomeng Directed by Byron Bryant      


Main Cast: Sue Prado, Julio Diaz, Lou Veloso, Lui Manansala

A heart-warming comedy about this strong-willed daughter of an old farmer who had to do the farming herself because all the men in the family have gone working abroad, the last one to go was her husband, who left in a different way, collapsing dead one morning while plowing the field. After her husband’s burial, Sinang is offered a good price by a big subdivision developer to sell her parcel of land. While her sisters consider selling their parcels, which they all equally inherited from their invalid father Ka Domeng, Sinang firmly refuses. Unlike them whose husbands are sending money from abroad, she has no source of income but her small farm. Sinang has the heart for farming. With daughter Aliyah helping her, she resolutely plows the land, nurse the rice seeds, going through the whole process with diligence. The experience is filled with frivolity and happy moments. But old wounds are refreshed between sisters, too. Still, love for family and for their inherited land prevails in the end. And Sinang’s field turns green as they finish planting, promising a bountiful harvest.



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